2 min read

I want continuous integration and delivery of my marriage certificate! I want to write my happiness in YAML! I want to marry a software engineer! I can solve those problems!

How to use

Write down the information of the person who will be your husband.

Write the information of the person who will be your husband in config.yaml.

  last_name: 山田
  last_name_pos: [220,590]
  last_name_kana: やまだ
  last_name_kana_pos: [221,623]
  first_name: 太郎
  first_name_pos: [300,590]
  first_name_kana: たろう
  first_name_kana_pos: [305,623]
  birth_year: 平成5
  birth_month:birth_day: 21
  address_first: 東京都千代田区神田
  address_first_pos: [221, 545]
  address_second: 3丁目 4
  is_banchi_address: false
  address_go: 10
  address_apartment: | # 3行までであれば崩れず表現できます
  household_person: 山田 太郎
  legally_domiciled_first: 東京都千代田区飯田橋
  legally_domiciled_first_pos: [221, 480]
  legally_domiciled_second: 3丁目 4
  is_banchi_legally_domiciled: true
  head_of_person_of_legally_domiciled: 山田 太郎兵衛
  father_name: 山田 権左衛門
  father_name_pos: [221, 410]
  mother_name: 山田 としこ
  mother_name_pos: [221, 380]
    marriage_cat: 2 # 0: 初婚 1:死別 2:離別
    year: 令和3
    month: 6
    day: 1
  job_type: 6

Write down information about the person who will be your wife.

Write the information of the person who will be your wife in config.yaml.

  last_name: 貫井
  last_name_pos: [420,590]
  last_name_kana: ぬくい
  last_name_kana_pos: [421,623]
  first_name: はゆ
  first_name_pos: [502,590]
  first_name_kana: はゆ
  first_name_kana_pos: [502,623]
  birth_year: 平成7
  birth_month: 6
  birth_day: 6
  address_first: 東京都小金井市貫井北町
  address_first_pos: [422, 545]
  address_second: 3丁目 4
  is_banchi_address: false
  address_go: 10
  address_apartment: |
  household_person: 貫井 パッパ
  legally_domiciled_first: 神奈川県横浜市
  legally_domiciled_first_pos: [421, 480]
  legally_domiciled_second: 3丁目 4
  is_banchi_legally_domiciled: true
  head_of_person_of_legally_domiciled: 貫井 パッパ
  father_name: 貫井 パッパ
  father_name_pos: [421, 410]
  mother_name: 貫井 はよ
  mother_name_pos: [421, 380]
    marriage_cat: 0 # 0: 初婚 1:死別 2:離別
    year: 令和3
    month:day:job_type: 4

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