I want continuous integration and delivery of my marriage certificate! I want to write my happiness in YAML! I want to marry a software engineer! I can solve those problems!
Write the information of the person who will be your husband in config.yaml
last_name: 山田
last_name_pos: [220,590]
last_name_kana: やまだ
last_name_kana_pos: [221,623]
first_name: 太郎
first_name_pos: [300,590]
first_name_kana: たろう
first_name_kana_pos: [305,623]
birth_year: 平成5
birth_month: 5
birth_day: 21
address_first: 東京都千代田区神田
address_first_pos: [221, 545]
address_second: 3丁目 4
is_banchi_address: false
address_go: 10
address_apartment: | # 3行までであれば崩れず表現できます
household_person: 山田 太郎
legally_domiciled_first: 東京都千代田区飯田橋
legally_domiciled_first_pos: [221, 480]
legally_domiciled_second: 3丁目 4
is_banchi_legally_domiciled: true
head_of_person_of_legally_domiciled: 山田 太郎兵衛
father_name: 山田 権左衛門
father_name_pos: [221, 410]
mother_name: 山田 としこ
mother_name_pos: [221, 380]
relationship: 長
marriage_cat: 2 # 0: 初婚 1:死別 2:離別
year: 令和3
month: 6
day: 1
job_type: 6
Write the information of the person who will be your wife in config.yaml
last_name: 貫井
last_name_pos: [420,590]
last_name_kana: ぬくい
last_name_kana_pos: [421,623]
first_name: はゆ
first_name_pos: [502,590]
first_name_kana: はゆ
first_name_kana_pos: [502,623]
birth_year: 平成7
birth_month: 6
birth_day: 6
address_first: 東京都小金井市貫井北町
address_first_pos: [422, 545]
address_second: 3丁目 4
is_banchi_address: false
address_go: 10
address_apartment: |
household_person: 貫井 パッパ
legally_domiciled_first: 神奈川県横浜市
legally_domiciled_first_pos: [421, 480]
legally_domiciled_second: 3丁目 4
is_banchi_legally_domiciled: true
head_of_person_of_legally_domiciled: 貫井 パッパ
father_name: 貫井 パッパ
father_name_pos: [421, 410]
mother_name: 貫井 はよ
mother_name_pos: [421, 380]
relationship: 長
marriage_cat: 0 # 0: 初婚 1:死別 2:離別
year: 令和3
month: 6
day: 1
job_type: 4
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